
That's it. I fucking quit.

Over a month of unpaid work, developing your stupid course, only to get a high-quality outline rejected because "it's not what we wanted" again.

First outline, fuckers ask to do something with a Raspberry Pi and Yocto. Fine, but no Yocto as I don't know anything about it and the coworker doesn't even have a Raspberry Pi to flash the images on. Micromanagement guy (god I hate that word) agrees, fine no Yocto then. So no Yocto it is.
2 weeks later... Course outline is finished. Review stage.. rejected. Needs moar Yocto.
Fine... I'll include Yocto. Coworker was put off the course, I'm exclusively on it now. Time to do it well and get my feet wet with Yocto.
2 weeks later... Course outline is finished and looks pretty good. Review stage.. rejected. Needs less Raspberry Pi. Do it without the Raspberry Pi.

An embedded systems course whose core component is that fucking Raspberry Pi. Omit it they said. WHAT?!!
"Oh yeah but there's this other course that's selling like hot pockets, we can just redo that in videos. Make it more like that course."
You.. you can't be for real, can you? If students want to take that course... What makes you think that they wouldn't just pick.. *that damn course* then?

"But hey" micromanager said, "don't loose hope and confidence, I'm hereπŸ€ͺ"
πŸ€ͺ. That describes your level of competence pretty well, you stinking piece of apeshit.
Go back to your micromanaging, at least you don't completely fucking suck at that.

2 times rejected because YOU fucking company's board can't describe your desires in a course properly. You know what, I think I'm starting to understand why web devs keep on complaining about indecisive clients now. Because you know company's board, you seem a lot like those clients from hell. Eat shit.


  • 12
    That is insane. Actually insane. A month unpaid work? Not like the crazy boss is not enough to quit already but if it paid well you could at least consider it, but unpaid? Hell no
  • 7
    CondorCour.se incoming!
  • 9
    @xewl your ability to pick domain names that blend in so well with the TLD so well never fails to amaze me πŸ˜› it actually sounds really catchy!

    @theKarlisK sounds like a good idea, it'd piss them off for sure, hahaha. Especially since that management guy did mention at some point that the reason they denied it twice was "we can't provide everything at the 1st go because there are instances where people have taken our idea and developed a course of their own, so they can't risk sharing the entire idea at one's [once]." Lying piece of shit he is... Not to mention, the billion dollar idea of course! 🀣
  • 3
    @Condor You don't want to know what domains I have in my portfolio x)
  • 6
    @xewl portfol.io?
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop nah, pinok.io neither :)
  • 3
    I can tell you that web dev is the same level of schizophrenia as the presented example.

    People are nuts...
  • 2
    Lol, why don't they just put an NDA for people to sign?
  • 2
    They have no money! Open your eyes bro. You need a lawyer!
  • 1
  • 4
    Man what a shame that on.pizza is taken. Would make for the best subdomains.
  • 2
    @TheSilent how about @Linux' linux.pizza? πŸ™ƒ
  • 2
    @xewl Pinokkio has two k's, I'm sorry
  • 3
    @epse that's probably the reason why not heee xD
  • 3
    Well fortunately already taken by a terrific site owner ;)
    Although linux.on.pizza has a pretty good ring to it too 😏
  • 3

  • 3
    @Linux Well that escalated quickly didn't it? πŸ˜…
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