Patterns 👏 are 👏 a 👏 language 👏 to 👏 talk 👏 about 👏 design 👏 not 👏 a 👏 comprehensive 👏 list 👏 of 👏 the 👏 only 👏 things 👏 you're 👏 allowed 👏 to 👏 do 👏 in 👏 code.

  • 4
    Yes, but still patterns are important. The answer is somewhere between "no patterns at all" and "only patterns".
  • 2
    @Yeah69 I totally agree. Patterns are super important.
  • 1
    There are cases when a specific patterns are needed. If you start to code thinking about what pattern you should implement first you are going to fail and overgengineer.
  • 2
    @kpenc Couldn't have put it better.
  • 3
    Also, most people use pattern with its implementation as a rule, not a guideline. If no pattern fits you perfectly for something specific, then that means you need to shape one or more pattern to your needs. Remember: patterns are guidelines, not rules.
  • 0
    I like to implement the most naïve solution (sometimes the dirtiest), then refactor everything and use the more convenient pattern. I think that we can't come to the best solution with the first try, so being stupid at first help !
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