To be honest, HTML seems easier than it looks, but as a noob, I know I'm wrong in one way or another

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    Nah, I 100% agree with this and use HTML everyday
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    @ZioCain lol so it is easy or am I in for a treat?
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    @RasBuckles it seems easy at first, like "oh yeah, I just use P for paragraphs and H1 for titles"
    Then you discover lists, divs, tables and everything
  • 5
    Yeah it's easy to look at and often easy to work with. CSS and JS are going to be the parts where you start to struggle until you learn how stupid things can be
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    @ZioCain lol see that is where I am now, learning
    <h3> Hello </h3>
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    @Horkrine I cannot find a good JS and CSS program to practice on
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    @norman70688 you are kidding, right?
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    @norman70688 HTML is not a programming language ! 😒
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    @R1100 lol Drag him out!!
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    @norman70688 True, I made a chess program in HTML when I was in elementary school back in the 80s.
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    I only use span and p, then just use css to do what could be done with a h1 or something.

    Also i totally replaced lists with <span v-for>
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    @ganjaman only using div is even better, fewer things to remember.
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    @ganjaman oh i see you are a man of culture/vue aswell 😊
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    Does anyone k ow anyone who wants to buy a USB rubber ducky and a wifi pineapple?
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    just use <div> for everything and style it with CSS (sarcasm)
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    I cant find a direct answer, what does <div> even do? I can see its nothing visual
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    @mjones44 CSS frameworks be like
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    @RasBuckles HTML in general isn't visual. A div is just a meaningless container, either for wiggling with the object hierarchy and for layout. Or for combining both to work around some CSS flaws like in responsive images.
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    @RasBuckles A container, a box: A group of elements. With CSS you can style them (e.g. put the group to the right part of the screen, the other group is on the top for navigation, etc.).
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    @sbiewald wHt program dp you use to write with css and html?
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    @RasBuckles a text editor. You reference your css and js in your html, and it magically shows up
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    HTML is easy as fuck... What complicates is css and js
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    @R1100 “this message is rude and offensive and will deleted by the winey babies that value users more than people. Please be advised.” Haha. But you are correct!
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    @ganjaman yikes! Do you set all your spams to display: block?
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    @sheriffderek I am keeping because I dont know enough about programming language to battle it
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    @RasBuckles a div is a generic ‘div’ider element. It is display: block, so - much like a paragraph tag - but with no explicit semantic meaning. You would use them for layout things - and only really when there isn’t a correct element / such as a header or article.
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    @hell Without great markup - your css is going to be hellish. It’s a team effort.
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    @sheriffderek thank you, I all this is new, and another question, is Kali Linux good for beginner devs?
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    It’s hard only if you write it per w3 standard, otherwise everything you throw at it works
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    @devTea gonna sound stupid, but what is "W3" ??
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    @RasBuckles if it had a name... it’s probably not good for beginners. But it depends what you are trying to learn. Read the MDN docs for html and css - and try watchandcode for JavaScript. (If you want to learn how to build websites)
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    @sheriffderek thank you, and I'm teaching myself and trying g to learn from others as well, I want a challenge and if I can get this down I wanna make a career out of it.. so I'm pushing myself todo something I have very little knowledge about in order to make myself better at it
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    @devTea thank you :)
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    @RasBuckles and to check whether your stuff is standard conforming: https://validator.w3.org/
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    So far this is all I've learned, very far behind compared to all of you lol
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    @filthyranter hahahaha this had me rolling 😂
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    I'm fucked lol
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    @-newaj so, html and css not part of the design process?
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