
How can you make a login form in which details are filled via voice? One way is that we can use pyauto gui for fetching coordinates but it's not working as per my wish...

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    You might wanna elaborate on that
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    @ganjaman actually I want to make a login form like a normal login form but the difference is that all the details like username and password are filled via voice, need not to type anything.
    I used speech_recognition package of python for recognising voice.
  • 1
    get rid of the login form and use voice detection as a login method.

    Because speech to text is and will be for some years be too unreliable to understand "p4$W0r|>" and spell each individual letter sucks balls.

    Investigate other methods of authentication.
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    @heyheni use voice detection as login method? Can you please elaborate.
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    @heyheni Thank you so much😃
  • 3
    Pronounce my password out loud? How will I do that in a public setting?
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    @alexbrooklyn yes this was a problem.
    So I thought that random questions will be generated and valid user will only be able to answer those questions.
    Actually I have been given a project by my faculty to design a voice based mail system.
    So, he ordered that use of keyboard should be negligible and all the commands should be executed via voice.
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