hey guys,

I've been working with js for like 5 years now, and I figured I could help some people out, if needed.

I wouldn't consider myself a js lord, but I have some decent experience, and even if I don't know something I'll be honest about it and at the very least I'm pretty sure I'll point you in the right direction.

I'm fond of vue, lodash, es6, node, eslint bla bla. I also know rails.

In any case, my objective with this is to learn myself.

So feel free to tag me if you have any type of question about anything js.


  • 1
    Cool, I'm also big fan of js. I don't have any specific question but the thing is I've never worked on large application which work on js library/framework like react,angular or vue etc.

    So I still don't know how the production application are architect-ed of js which can scale and are also maintainable. I primary work on PHP but I'm more passionate about js(who doesn't?).
    And I just don't want to be a dev who just build something out of js which turns out to be shit, so please tell me any references or suggestions where I can learn best practices so I can follow them up while building web apps using js and don't create mess.
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    @jespersh actually the loud minority isnt doing that here
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    Hey I know basic html , css and js . very basic, i want to learn web development and become able to use APIs and make cool UIs, responsive deisgns and all that.
    I have been doing mobile apps and outsoruce web part i want to be able to do it all now.
    what is the path that i should take?
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    I like your style :)
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    @lazysnail I guess the upstart for you want is to decide whether to use vue, react or ¿angular?

    At least vue and react have their own "scaffold new application" tool that creates a sensible starting template (react has create-react-app, while vue has "vue-cli create")

    I'm going to speak for vue now, but I'm pretty sure the react experience is extremely similar.

    "vue create" creates a modern app with good sensible defaults, bundles modern js and has eslint which lets you detect errors and enforcing good code guidelines as well.

    When you run npm run serve, it serves the app in a specific port, and watches files, builds if they change and lets you know if there are errors.

    You can run this serve command from a terminal or within "vue ui" self hosted site.
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    From there on you can read the official vue docs https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/ (you can skip the installation part since vue cli does that for you) to learn about showing things

    Then, if you wish your site to have styling, pick a css library.

    I'm very fond of bulma, but there are others that are ok too.

    There's also a package that combines vue and bulma called buefy. It is a bit heavyweight but it supports some higher level elements, that look awesome and are very functional.

    that's pretty much how you do a world class web app on your own in 2019
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    @jespersh let the dude help others in peace
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    @erandria Yes, I've my options as ReactJS and VueJs. I've tried both but I've played mostly with React with Redux as well as Mobx.
    I never had chance to build large applications on it, so I don't know how it is handled on production level like how the file structure is kept, what best practices are used while building the app, how it's properly connected to API's, how to handle authentication properly, how to secure it properly.

    I hope you understand what my main concerns are.
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    @lazysnail valid concerns,
    I could write about them here but it would take a lot of typing. I could do like a twitch thing, or a call if you're interested.
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    @erandria Sure, we can do whatever suits you most.
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    @erandria Heya, I'm again I didn't got time to make followup but I would really love to get some information about what I said.
    Right now I'm trying to build a react app I've not yet decided what to use on backend maybe laravel or node.

    But I've still doubts on few basic things regarding API and it's Auth also I've decided to use JWT.
    But I'm quite not sure how to handle tokens securely at react side or how to manage routes at react side if user is authenticated or not authenticated.
    Skype - live:indrajeet183
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