why are humans so sensitive?

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    Welcome to devRant! Why do you have to talk about us like that?
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    @iAmNaN because its a question and its accurate in multiple situations
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    @rutee07 ohh rutee-honey..! ^^
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    wow, i didn't know aliens could be so mean...
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    @rutee07 *hugs* what have you done unto the world this time? Was it with rusty blades like last time? Or with a drill machine like the time before?
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    @Fast-Nop I think it was a flaming cactus this time. 🌵🔥
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    Modern Parenting
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    @Alice I've heard that some shows are "not done" in Germany. Allo Allo for example would not be shown on television.
    I really loved "Hitler ist wieder da" btw. Excellent movie! (And excellent book I suppose.) Bought it on dvd.
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    I sometimes feel like I'm to sensitive for this world.
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    @Alice I must've been misinformed. It was a German girlfriend who told me, but I think she doesn't watch television a lot. And you're right about the title. My bad.
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    Can't access the settings to disable emotions
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    people are sensitive? you haven't seen arch linux users, they'll kidnap a baby if they have to
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    @Alice is it really that wacky if a foreigner assumes that praising hitler is illegal or severely punished in Germany?

    people in the US and several other countries get fired for making racist, sexist or just offensive statements (I'm not saying that's bad or good, it's a complex debate, is totally unrelated and let's get into it)

    do you live inside a tupperware© container?
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    @erandria (I meant to say let's NOT get into it...)
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    @Alice my step-grandmother would say the very same things. I think it was a form of rationalization and denial all rolled up into one.
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    @Alice however... I had a coworker (I was in the US Air Force at Rhein-Main) who had a Hakenkreuzfahne on the wall in his apartment off-base, and a neighbor saw it and reported it. The Polizei kicked in his door, which was rather over-dramatic, since it was an apartment and they could have have had the Hausmeister unlock the door, and arrested him. He had other issues though; they found an unregistered pistol. The Air Force kicked him out and sent him back to the US, and he was persona non grata in Germany from that point on.
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    @Alice You know that games with Nazi symbols get "indexed" and are de-facto not sellable anymore (e.g. steam refuses to sell them and they may not be shown or advertised publicly => you have to actively ask a game store if they have the game and you only get a positive answer after an age check).

    There is a new exception if those symbols are used in historic contexts.
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