What music do you like to listen while pooping?

I for one like Moby. "Ooooh Lordy, trouble's so hard, oooh Looor[*pause*]dyyy, my trouble is hard"

  • 1
    I listen to fall out boy's hit, sugar something (can't remember the name), the chorus goes like:

    "You're sitting down, down
    And you're taking a crap.
    Or maybe you're standing up peeing?
    It would make more sense if you're pooping.
    cause you're using that toilet paper, sitting and pooping."
  • 0
    Whale song, it makes the poop long for the sea /
    I can just sit there /
    Idly letting things be /
    Splash, you're free
  • 6
    I'm afraid to listen to music while I'm taking a shit because I don't want to connect the song with shitting.
  • 2
    @lucadev Pavlov' dog.

    *hears poopietime song*
    *craps his pants*
  • 1
    Hello darkness my old friend...
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