
Has anyone ever quit on the spot?

  • 8
    Not quite, I got a huge bollocking, went for lunch, thought it over, came back and quit.
  • 3
    Not exactly. I was the fourth employee of the company. After three years we hired a highly experienced person, after six months he adviced me to look for other options. That was wednesday and on friday I quit because I got a better offer. Like a slap on his face. Later my whole team of five developers quit ( in a months time)
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    @helloworld did you have another job lined up?
  • 2
    @burswag nope. I had been thinking of going self employed for some time prior but not quite so soon, in the end it worked out great, been self employed now for13 years. I landed a part time contract lecturing in graphic design at the local university, which covered the bills. (The head of department taught me 20 years prior and a chance meeting kicked that off) did that for 5 years. I don't think I could work for anyone now. Being your own boss is worth all the hard work.
  • 1
    @helloworld sweet! I'm not sure if being self-employed will work for me. Right now, I'm looking (well, I haven't really looked for several weeks now, but I really should) for stability and an environment where I can learn a lot from more experienced developers.
  • 1
    @burswag I am about to go self employed in a couple of weeks.
  • 2
    I once told my supervisor that I wasn't feeling well and went home for the day. Didn't go back. That was working on an assembly line.
  • 1
    @burswag yes, you'll know when it feels right. You need the industry experience, especially when you have to wear many hats when you are on your own.
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