When you guys create a project do you always start from complete scratch or do you use an existing boilerplate from somewhere?

  • 3
    I just copy everything from StackOverflow
  • 4
    For Java, maven archetypes
  • 4
    There is no "one true way" here. I'd reccommend choosing whichever way helps you hit the ground running. There is nothing wrong with copy-pasting boilerplate code, but you should try to understand to a degree what that code is doing, because it may become relevant at a later point.

    So, to quote a popular advertising slogan "Just do it".
  • 2
    Really depends. If it is just something I wanna do quick I tend to use a boilerplate. If it is a bigger project that I wanna understand fully and stand behind I tend to start from scratch unless time is a factor or it is something really basic.
  • 2
    Very much depends on what I'm doing.
  • 1
    Scratch if I have time, just to get better at it
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