Right now, everything. I started at a Consulting firm because I expected many new problems to tackle, solutions to develop and generally to always have a fire burning underneath my ass but instead I always develop the same standard bullshit.

I miss the days in my old job when there was just a problem and the task to solve it. When I stared down giant amounts of data, just KNOWING that somewhere in that mess is some structure I could exploit and that short moment of inspiration when I finally pinpointed it. The rush of endorphins when the solution became clear and everything fell into place to form a beautiful pattern amidst the chaos test data, git commits and numpy arrays.

Now its just "Yeah, would you just write another selenium testsuite that throws out fail or pass and wastes all the information because the only reason I'm a testmanager is because I'm too incompetent to do anything else and not my passion for the field".

The constant, mind numbing repetition of always the same patterns where the occasional dynamic element that becomes stale is the highlight of my work week... I would have never thought that making good money with easy work would ever get me as close to depression as it did.

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    You could always go over and beyond what you are tasked to do

    If that's not encouraged, time to find another job then
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    Yeah, I did the same for way too long. It's the worst. And then trying to breathe some life into the projects only to be met by scepticism and the ol' "that's a great idea but this is how we've always done it". Hope you have some room to take initiative and make things happen.
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    @ihatecomputers Sadly not. Like I said, its consulting. I have to do what the client pays me to do and for every little thing else, every potential for improvement I see, my employer goes into a frenzy because he thinks he could have squeezed a few dimes more out. They won't fire me because even though I'm trying to be as nerve racking as I can be within the bounds of professionalism I still make too much money for them and thanks the a legally questionable clause in my contract I'm liable for their loses if I quit and they can't replace me with someone else. So until november I'm trapped in this (at least well paid) tranquil hell.
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    @CoffeeNcode if he's a contractor being paid contractor rates, chances are the agreement is between his own company and the agency who is contracting him to do the work for the end client. So employment rules don't apply, it's business to business.
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    @Redders The beautiful thing about germany is that we got fairly strong employee rights so I guess I would get out of it if I sued but it would be a civil case which means each side has to cover its own costs. So I'll wait until november when I can get out safely without rosking bankruptcy through legal costs.
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