Currently working with @Kreischo and another good friend to create a secured, encoded container to store files in it.

I am currently working on the frontend of things, thinking it's quite beautiful.. (Done with Electron)

Your opinion?

  • 1
    Looks impressive
  • 2
    Nice :)

    What's the meaning of "secure"? Porn-safe?
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded we'll have 2 types of security for those container files.

    First: Password with 128/512Bit encryption

    Second: password with hardware id and said bit encryption

    Last is so secure, when your CPU is changed (or someone stole the file and knows your password) the file cannot be opened.
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    Looks pretty nice but the colorscheme is weird. Black gray and orange don't look that nice. Maybe try one of the more popular ones?
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    @fuck2code I dunno how to get "more popular schemes" ^^ but still thanks for the feedback. I might consider it :)
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    I actually think the color scheme is quite refreshing 😅 I like it because it's something new that I haven't seen before. But I guess everyone is different.
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    @SteffTek you coded those colours in right? Go to atom or vscode and select a theme you like and then hack it apart. Take those colours and replave them. Dracula theme has its colours on github for example https://github.com/dracula/...
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    Btw i'd totally use this. I might give up 7zip :)
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    @fuck2code thank you! That's an honor
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    @Alice I'll build a pink mode for you!
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    @SteffTek neat. Complete local?
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    Subscribed. Keep us posted
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    Honest question. I've heard electron gets a lot of flak when people use it. Guessing because there is more overhead being that it works for all systems or?
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    @ScriptCoded yes. Might built in P2P sharing ^^
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    @unreliable sorry, I am not an native English speaker. I don't quite understand your question ^^
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    @SteffTek to get flak means to get a negative reaction. I assume that's what confused you?
    @unreliable yeah, that's the problem for most people, the resource hogging and the enormous start up times. It's similar to unity in that way. A bad unity game will get noticed right away, but a good one will never raise any suspicion.
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    @fuck2code yeah... That's the confusion part ^^

    @unreliable at the moment (in Dev environment) I get good start-up times. Sometimes it's chugging really bad, but that's my CPU that's crap in that case. Our little team is designing our application the way we can easily switch Frontend and keep backend side of things
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    Is this valves orange box? I kid, it looks very impressive!
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    @Bubbles Thank you! I only do web design & stuff like that only in my free time. It's an honor ^^
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    @SteffTek I like it. The colors are a little unusual due to how I often don’t come across that particular color combo but it reminded me of the orange box and I mean that all as a compliment 😃
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    @redman Thanks, again ^^
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    I think your letters are too dark (black), I would try how they look when they are dark gray, or a very dark shade of orange/purple.
    Also the circular shadow makes it in my opinion blurry, while the other parts has solid conturs maybe a different representation of this box style suits it better. (With a single line, or one directionsl solid shadow.)
    Awesome work anyway, keep it up!
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    @tman thanks for the feedback. Keep in mind this screenshot has a very bad resolution ^^ the frontend isn't at the 10% mark yet so I might consider changing it.

    I usually use dark gray text colors
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    @SteffTek silly question but I will ask anyway. Are you maybe interested in getting into contact? I don't know of many fellow German devs so it would be nice to chat and discuss Dev related stuff :D
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