
Richard Stallman is my hero <3

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    He's giving lectures at both my university and another one this month. I didn't sign up in time unfortunately. I think he's actually visiting my university tomorrow lol. Funny coincidence you should bring him up right now 😂
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    @Frederick actually today lol, my Facebook just reminded me 😅 the event at DTU might have available tickets still? I didn't check though.
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    @Frederick I'll make sure to let you know next time I hear about events like that then 😊
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    Both are interesting people for different reasons
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    @AleCx04 reeeeeeeeee

    So does this win an award for being the biggest Stallman screech of them all? I feel like it should lol
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    Yea, I cant stand either of them. Linus is a cunt who has no idea on how programming works (look at the linux kernel source, executable abi etc etc etc), while rms did... what exactly? I never really saw him program, all he does is preaching. The few code i saw of him (the gnu tools) are abhorrendous patches of spaghetti shit, which I remember to be quite unefficient.
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    @BinaryByter pretty sure you just gave this entire community's circle jerk of Linux fanboys a heart attack lmao.

    Not saying I agree, but I did laugh.
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    @Stuxnet sure they might be a bit better than what i described them as. but for real, how was dirtyCoW even possible in 2017?? Or something funnier: the ext2 drivers used to be shipped w/o bound checks. writing too much to a file meant that you could wipe your linux distro
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    @Stuxnet @BinaryByter once again GNU/Linux 😋
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    @BinaryByter Linus himself admits not being a great programmer. And yet, basically everyone uses his inventions directly or indirectly. So, there’s that. Stallman is an idealist as far as the world is concerned, and I have to admire him for his commitment even though I don’t think he’s right about everything.
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    @wowotek you're the worst kinda person in the tech community if you actually give two flying fucks about that.

    Sorry not sorry.
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    Ironically when I strolled into my exam today it was online with a password of "Linus" for part one and "Torvalds" for part two. Made me chuckle to myself
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    @wowotek Do you know what linux is?
    Do you know what gnu is?
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    @Stuxnet @BinaryByter sheesh it seems we all became serious around here aren't we ?

    Fuck, hear me out with this. First, Even if i am perfect person who want to (and can) live in a free in freedom world, hell no, lyfe is too short for that, personally doesnt matter if it is a free beer or free speech, i will take the free beer anyway. In any possible circumstances i can, i would and also i wouldn't speak freely whenever, wherever i want anyway.

    Second, there is always a place for people for Torvalds and RMS no matter how bad, and/or toxic they are. for any given reason or statement they give publicly, it is their will to choose to believe and give, and you should respect that.
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    Third, yes, we live in unperfect world. And always will be. And there is always an activist who will fight against. And so far almost all activist doing it wrong. They always want the final outcome instead of focusing to become something in that progress emerging toward their goals. instead of spreading the idea, they are spreading the hate against it instead. No you can't do that, people in the world is too complex, and you are not Thanos.
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    Oh boy, 6 upvotes with 25 comments.
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    @PrivateGER yeaaaa da heat, is unbareable
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