Python, fuuuuck youuuu and your stupid packaging system, and python devs who are bashing on js you douchebags ever tried NPM !!

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    delete your account
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    @broseph why though? maybe he has a point
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    @jesustricks delete my account
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    Are you using virtual environments? Node devs normally believe that every other packaging system will create sandboxes when it might not be necessarily the case. Languages like Python or Ruby would normally require isolated environments i.e conda/virtualenvwrapper for python rvm etc for ruby
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    @broseph will do, after you delete yours :D
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    Both are garbage but Python is slightly better than JavaScript 😉
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    @AleCx04 yes I'm using them but the point is that it's not as straightforward as npm or nvm
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    @12bitfloat Talking about packaging here, npm is much better in my opinion.
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    @milkyway really? In years of development i've yet to have an issue with either of the mentioned ones. What issues are you having?
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    @AleCx04 pick random 10 git repos in js and 10 in python (ex ai/ml repos), clone them and try running locally. How many issues will you run into in both sides
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    @milkyway what are the issues you often run into when doing so with python? not negating, just curious
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    @jesustricks mostly packages compatibility issues
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    @milkyway As a python dev: None? Only error sources packages still requiring Python 2 or depending on obscure not bundled C packages. Both is hardly PIPs but the package maintainers fault.
    Of course by default dependencies are installed to the same location but it's just two lines to setup virtualenvs for them.
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    If you think Python packaging is bad now, you should have tried it seven years ago. Pip, distutils, setuptools, ez_install, pipenv, pyenv, poetry, blah blah. NPM might leave a little to be desired, but at least there are only two tools for JS.

    pipenv was supposed to fix everything, but it has a bunch of annoyances (like, if you install a package that doesn't exist, it leaves it in the Pipfile to blow up every install until you remove it.
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    I tried NPM once. Can't remember which package I installed but when I saw it required nearly a thousand dependencies, I decided that I didn't actually want to use NPM any more.
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    @EmberQuill from one time you decided not to use it! at least it works
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    @milkyway none because I know what I am doing :D literally never had this issue and I have rather large codebases all over the place where I work(and have worked)

    I did had issues way back when I was still learning/didn't know what I was doing. Didn't want to mention that since I didn't want to sound condescending.
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    fuck you too
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    @vane Triggered? I'm not even calling names, but here you are proving my point.
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    @milkyway Well you tried and you failed. If you’re not prepared to do so about 1 million times more maybe it’s time to pick another career path since programming and failure are synonyms.
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    @vane lol, Who told you I gave up on it, The point is that npm is better than pip. it's simple. understand?
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    @milkyway yarn is better then npm, pip is better then npm just because like yarn it’s checking packages integrity.
    Using npm is not secure, deal with that.
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    python -m pip install --force-reinstall pip-appreciation
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    @vane not even talking about yarn which belongs to js, and you can do “Security” and package integrity checks using npm.
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    Pip is horrible, but you can mitigate it using Virtualenv. NPM is horrible without ways to mitigate.
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