Is the MySQL 5.6 deprecated? One of the colleague said but i could not find a date if it is. Even they GA 5.6.44 on 2019-04-25.

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    It's old and obstole but it's still supported.

    I think its kept supported for legacy compatibility reasons to be honest.

    Use something a tad more modern if you start fresh.

    Think of Windows XP.
    Still supported. But dated.
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    Did you google "Is MySQL 5.6 deprecated"?
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    @DubbaThony Yeah wiki says it will be supported till feb 2021. We have some legacy servers and wants to upgrade their backend. Just checking if it is mandatory now. ;)
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    @inaba Yes i did man.
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    Time to install MariaDB 10
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    @C0D4 Its just to support old legacy application. Not sure if MariaDB can work out of the box instead of MySQL.
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    @sleep-coder it's a direct fork.

    I have a mysql 5.0 db loaded up (export / import) works fine.

    I wouldn't recommend it otherwise.
    There may be some issues with queries though depending on how they were written.
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    @sleep-coder it should work.

    Do test first, try to apply some load and see how it goes. Maria was branched years ago, many things might have gone out of sync. Default configs differ btwn mysql and maria, might cause perf regression. Or improvement for that matter :)

    needs testing.
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    MariaDB one of main features is "drop-in" replacement for mysql. I upgraded from mysql to mariadb like 2 years ago and basically it looked like that:
    remove mysql binary, place in place mariadb binary.
    run mariadb with old configs etc.
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    Thanks guys, i will give it a try and see if i can convince the F***ing management and production team to replace MySQL with MariaDB.
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