What's your opinion on TypeScript? I'm having a hard time figuring out if it's worth using for a React side project

  • 5
    I heard vue or angular is more suited for that
  • 3
    Well, I love Typescript because of its structured approach and Types support (It looks familiar to other oop based languages). Typescript is more readable than js (atlest if you used with some design paradigms). I use it for Angular applications(default language). You can also write barebone js inside ts it won't cause any error( at last typescript is transpired into js only).

    So if you already know any other oop based language and want to transition into js world then Ts will be easy to learn. If you are from Js background then also it will be useful to maintain your application structure.
  • 4
    Yes, there is no real benefit when you are not gonna type though.
  • 3
    It's awesome but overkill for some small less critical projects
  • 2
    @k33da How small is small?
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