
Unable to run internet on company provide Mac book ..fucking. stupid....Tried to remove proxy but not working..Even wifi getting connected and for a second it runs the internet.

How to get rid off this proxy shit

  • 2
    System Settings > Network > Choose Network Device (mostly the one with a green dot) > Options (bottom right) > Proxy
  • 1
    I did and remove the proxy settings at all. Also off the firewall but no luck
  • 1
    did you check the dns setings? Sometimes it happens that local ip is set up instead of automatic.
    (unrelated example picture from google)
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    @heyheni I had this problem today. The internet told me to delete all of those items there so I did, and it worked for me.
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    @heyheni no there is no entry in DNS at all. Comolete blank
  • 1
    @A-void @heyheni there are list of domains in Search Domains
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