
I think I should start a startup which makes chairs in shopping centres for tired boyfriends/husbands.

  • 0
    @Alice I beg to differ. You won't know :P ask your SO.
  • 2
    @mangodb but they already have special places for men to go to while their women are shopping, they're called bars.
  • 1
    @Alice you just got mandenied and mansplained
  • 0
    @Alice @AleCx04 oh god 😂 you millennials and your fancy terms!

    I'm not sure where you live, but where I do, u always see a group of tired looking guys holding a bunch of clothes for their better halves, outside trial rooms :P
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    @AleCx04 mansplained and mandenied do go with my username mangodb :P :D
  • 0
    They’re those massage chairs you’re supposed to pay to sit in but we don’t.
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