Thanks, Google. Very cool.

  • 54
    I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
  • 15
    @M1sf3t ... I have no idea 🤔 Maybe we can get some suggestions going. I'm thinking hel. It's like he but with rotary blades.
  • 8
    @M1sf3t You're a goddamn genius.
  • 6
    Lmfao this is awesome.
    @ihatecomputers you got it @Apache 👍
  • 6
    @C0D4 Thanks chief. I can't take credit for the legendary copy pasta tho 🤫

    @theKarlisK I lift bruh. I might just strap two of those to my back and use 'em like a weight vest. ✓strong ✓cool ✓explosive ✓helicopter
  • 4
    Not even a fucking Apache, disgraceful
  • 9
    I always put 'Hexadecimal' when they ask for gender
  • 3
    @theKarlisK he can with a winch lol
  • 5
    What engine are you running under the hood @Apache? Nginx V8?
  • 4
    Thank you LGBTQ+
  • 3
    @nothappy I like to make fun of things like this but I don't mind ♥️
  • 4
    @12bitfloat Haven't thought about it but sounds but it's brilliant! If something is nonbinary, then it can be hexadecimal! 💛💜
  • 1
    @haze omg, I finally get it
  • 3
    @ihatecomputers My friend literally called nonbinary today "nullable". Too much C#. (He encountered a nonbinary gender option in a form somewhere.)

    Meme stolen from a whole group on fb dedicated to nerdy (both maths and IT) memes about gender.
  • 2

    I'm sorry if I'm rude
    But I used to be a dude
    Then I got confused about sex
    Please, call me heX
  • 1
    Okay, so eli5 explanation (eli5 - mostly reddit's "explain like I'm 5"):

    "binary" means two (duh), our culture recognises two genders (some cultures recognise more). Therefore, all genders beyond those two are considered nonbinary.

    Tech/nerd nonbinary people like to joke about that. Because binary is a numerical system but there are many numerical systems. Hence e.g. hex mentioned above.
  • 1
    @M1sf3t Ohh I see. You literally came up with heX earlier so I thought you understood the hexadecimal vs binary thing when you commented that. So when @haze explained the hexadecimal thing I thought I missed half of your joke. But you're telling me you're not only a genius, but you're not even aware of half of it 😍
  • 0
    @M1sf3t yeah the hexadecimal is just the cherry on top! But you also need to get ur fax str8 m8 before I annihilate ya with my hot heli load. (I'm so sorry. Comments are officially closed before this degrades into helicopter roleplay.)
  • 0
    @M1sf3t electric ladyland seems like an interesting place 😌
  • 0
    Sexuality and gender are different.
    Q+ is queer and more

    Queer was originally a slur (but many other LGBTQ+ terms were a slur originally), meaning literally "strange, different". Used as an umbrella term.
    Q is also sometimes used for questioning people.

    '+' encompasses following letters (usually IA, intersex and aromantic, asexual, agender, sometimes more letters) and everything else.

    Nonbinary genders fall into Q (there's also a term genderqueer that have the meaning similar to nonbinary) and T (transgender). Transgender is basically anyone whose gender doesn't align with what they were assigned at birth (because babies get sex marked based on genitals only, not even chromosomes - and sex is not binary either, read about intersex). Trans is also an umbrella.

    Umbrella terms are a theoretical classicfication, people sometimes choose not to identify with the "upper", more wide term. Not everyone in the LGBTQ+ community identifies as queer, not every enby person id's as trans
  • 0
    Oof, that comment above was literally at the comment limit (1 character left, I should've used it for a period).

    Yesterday was a local pride event (Equality Parade, because in Poland we don't have Pride per se, most events have wider agenda, e.g. we fight also for people with disabilities). I've seen so many nonbinary flags around - as flags, as pins, as flags painted on faces (did one for my friend as well). And a lot of trans flags as well (trans flag is more common than nonbinary flag, my friend's been looking for one to buy because xe don't really id with trans umbrella, so I know the struggle).

    I know of 3 people at my year (at uni) who are nonbinary/trans.
  • 1
    @haze I'm actually surprised there's an infinite number of ways for one to gender define (hence the +) when at the stupidly high level, it's nothing more then saying "I'm an Apache attack helicopter"

    Now before you get into me for that, I'm really not against non binary, you are what you want to be, including a helicopter, I just don't care either way for it.
  • 1
  • 2
    @vocuzi I can't believe we are not represent here !
    These hate crimes against our kind mist stop
  • 1
    @ihatecomputers I liiike find your comment highly offensive and liike you shouldn't joke about liiike gender.
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