
I hate father's day.

Reminds me of 2 things:

1. My father is a fucking asshole.
2. My ex wife makes it damn near impossible for me to speak to my oldest child. State seems to do the same shit ever other state does to mothers that do this: nothing, zip, nada.

Fuck today.

  • 10
    Un-happy Father's Day?
    This feels a bit wrong but we can share our daddy problems 🙃

    1) same problem, hell mine could be dead and I wouldn't know/care.
    You give up on even thinking of such a things after 30 years without 1.

    2) don't be guy 1) and it will probably work it's self out.
  • 9
    It's 2019. Become trans and you'll get == custody as a mother. Bam boom pow. Insta-win.
  • 5
    @uroboros it's sad that would actually work
  • 2
    That sucks man. Create a large internet following saying you want to send a message to your kid. Other ppl or bots will send it for you. She can't stop the internet. Profit.
  • 1
    Commit 7 cases of assault against minors and forge documents to frame her for them. Worked for me.
  • 0
    It might be hard to understand my point. But I'd start with fixing my problems with my dad.

    I used to avoid him for being an asshole. But the moment I started to understand that we are not perfect by any means, it helped me get a better understanding on how to deal with crazy bitches.

    Rule 1, never call them crazy bitch.
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