Coworker: "Hey, so I discovered this library that automatically brings up and tears down local containers to perform unit tests on data sources"

Me: "Sounds neat"

Coworker: "Yeah, I've been messing with it locally, and it means we don't need to have the data sources installed on our machines or rely on the ones in the testing environment."

Me: "That's good"

Coworker: "Just a shame I had to roll back our testing framework to a previous version and refactor the code in all our other tests as a result."

Me: "Wait what? *looks at documentation* It says they support the newer framework"

Coworker: "Yeah, but I couldn't get it to work. So I'm just gonna make a PR for it, okay?" *Proceeds to make a PR, approve and merge the code before I can comment further on the changes*

Welp, there goes all my motivation to get anything done for the rest of the day.

  • 5
    Oh boy. If he can self-approve, what's the purpose of all this pull request ceremony?
  • 3
    @gronostaj The repo we're working on is a private one under hisbaccount for our org. So he has full control and can override anything.

    I asked that we keep the PR process the same for the sake of consistency with the other projects, and since we'd be working on thing together, there'd be less chance of collision problems.

    Apparently he doesn't care though, since he just commits to master half the time anyway
  • 3
    Oof, that's rough.
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