
i hate my life sometimes.
as much as i can write frontend all day long and in my sleep, it never seems to amaze me how quick you can get into a deep nesting of elements in HTML.

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    @Alice πŸ˜‚
    True that, but this header has a few elements in the header I'm trying to find a clean way to write it, but meh, I'll write it so it sits right then rework it. It's a side project so no biggy
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    Either you're doing everything wrong or you're using bootstrap (maybe they're the same thing)
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    @nibor no bootstraps found here. Really not in the mood to be overriding everything.

    It's a two col header with the right col having a vertical and horizontal list in it and left col being about 70% wide and same height as right col.

    If that makes sense....
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    @C0D4 Can we see the whole code? I'm a little confused as to why you need that many divs for a two column layout πŸ˜… But perhaps there's some reason
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    Since you can't define your own elements like in xaml (windows) or xml layouts (android), it IS kind of a problem of html.
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    @ScriptCoded well... i guess i can re-write it if im to share it - lol
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    @rendezvous tabs to spaces.. but yes, i cant live without my tabs.
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    @C0D4 Why don’t you use <header> instead of div class header?
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    @webapp old habits die hard I guess.
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    How about you change to pug, no closing tags and much faster to write ?
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    My trick is to only indent by two spaces, then it doesn't move that far to the right.
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    @C0D4 Haha πŸ˜‚ I should be asking for code a lot more perhaps. Good work! The code looks a lot more "correct" now πŸ™ˆ
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    @Hammster ++ for Pug! I especially love how it works so well with SASS.
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    Why is whitespace invisible?
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