A small thunderstorm came in yesterday brought chaos and terror for 1 hour and left like nothing happened

Guess what

It left the whole city without the internet

Over 300,000 people dont have internet of course including me and i am pissed the fuck off because i was in such a great mood to get shit done today

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    🤔 But how did you post this rant?
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    @nibor we are seeing his cached offline post, this rant has not made it to the internet yet.
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    @rutee07 I see what you did there
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    It always amazes me how people need live internet connection to write code on their local machines..
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    @netikras read-the-docs and SO

    @SukMikeHok why do you not have an avatar?
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    @Parzi because he don't have internet.. dude, focus !
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    @Parzi Read code from the libs' APIs you're using / comments in those API files (javadocs in java).

    Mock the parts that you do not have. Replace mocks w/ actual API calls when you have internet and docs.

    et voila. Internet outage is no longer a blocker
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    Such beautiful weather 💙
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    @netikras you don't lean entirely on the docs???
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    @Coffe2Code i was being serious, he's got plenty of ++'s, so why no avatar?
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    @Parzi code _is_ the docs. Unittests _are_ the usage examples. None of these require internet if you have them already
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    @netikras IF. IF you have them already.
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    @Parzi if you don't - add an abstraction layer abstracting those APIs from your code and use a mock impl until you get internet access
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    Sorry but i dont have all of the stack overflow memorised. Internet is a useful tool. It can be used as a distraction but without it you can hit a wall while debugging a certain bug.
    While my VS has a useful inteligsence that can show me how to use a function, documentation and examples help as well. You cant download libs or push to git without internet neither.
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    @Gregozor2121 sure it is useful! There's no deny in that. I'm just saying thay if internetbis down for an hour or a few, it is not really a blocker. Nw outage of a few days sure is. But anything up to a single day can be survived by rearanging tasks or the way they are done.

    So is a nice KB, but it doesn't have your code. You are working with your code. You do have it, w/ internet or without. So use your tools, resources you have on you and find that bug! Debuggers, strace, printf - there are many ways to get creative.

    Unless you want to procrastinate ofc
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    I find it interesting that people complain about lack of Internet, when most people have 3G or 4G on the phone and can just tether it to continue on as if nothing has happened.
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    @flipflop exactly what I thought, although it is strange that the whole city's Internet is down but mobile towers can still connect. I suspect @sukmikehok's mum just switched his router off.
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    @flipflop give a million dollars to pay for unlimited amount of MB transfer protocol so i can pay for my 4g and i wont complain
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    @SukMikeHok where do you live?
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    @flipflop i made the great and multilayered mistake of getting a oneplus 5.

    shit to this day still bluescreens win10 if i try to tether it by usb.

    no, i don't have BT/wifi on my stationary.

    and my work laptop has a rule to shut off wifi when a cabled connection is detected... VPN detects as cabled and shuts off the underlying wifi connection powering it... been trying to get rid of that policy for 1½ year now.
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