
Do you guys think that the frontend or a javascript developer is an easy job? is less than a backend developer?

let's discuss

  • 3
    Depend on the project stack, if it’s classic mvc, probably equal, if it’s using the big 3, then yes
  • 1
    @24th-Dragon well you are right, but trust me it's not easy, especially you have to deal with a complicated design, logic and adjust to the backend to make everything smooth.

    taking into consideration that you have to make sure that the end user is well understanding the components and how to use them. well for those who think it's easy i have a very long conversation with them
  • 1
    @norman70688 so you mean frontend / JS developer job is not easy right ?
  • 1
    @devTea you are always protecting my back.
    with love. you are right
  • 1
    Depends on what is easier for you.

    For me, front end is a nightmare, I use minimal CSS frameworks and vanilla js

    For backend, I use generally a minimal framework too, like Sinatra.

    My needs are not huge as you can see.
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