
Spended 30 minutes try to answer a question on stackoverflow, the question deleted just before I posting the answer

  • 6
    This is Stack Overflow remember. You officially get three mins to answer before Jon Skeet answers for you.

    If he hasn't answered by then it means he knows it's going to be removed, so you should avoid it.
  • 0
    You have to get in there fast with a quick answer, then edit it to flesh it out later.
  • 1
    (In quake voice) *Denied!*
  • 0
    Beware of someone down voting your answer even if it's correct.never mind it's just a virtual thing
  • 0
    sPeNdEd 30 MiNuTeS TrY To aNsWeR A QuEsTiOn oN StAcKoVeRfLoW, tHe qUeStIoN DeLeTeD JuSt bEfOrE I PoStInG ThE AnSwEr
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