
I have successfully employed a function that uses recursion....

Because I stubbornly tried every possible iteration of the code until it became right.

I still don't get why it works.

  • 2
    Maybe you're already doing this, but still

    A general way to think about recursion is to imagine that the recursive call is a "solved" problem - it just works, you only worry about the current call.
  • 0
    The recursion was an mlm, reporting on the number of people in a users downline.

    I finally get it, I had to write it all out on paper, but I get it now..

    I see it like making tabs for code, each iteration is an open curly brace, and then finally all the braces close to fit the structure.
  • 4
    @rant1ng Because of course it's for MLM. 🙄
  • 3
    @Root I have this CRAZY 🤯 opportunity 🤑 for you!! Why don't you PM me? 🤗
  • 2
    @12bitfloat ikr?

    I listened, I researched him, and seriously did not like what I found. Stay. clear.
  • 2
    Ya need to renew your domain dude
  • 4
    Are you ready to become a #bossbabe and work anywhere anytime?
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