
What happened to your tempmail service ç_ç

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    I took it down last friday, due to abuse. And put it back in service yesterday. So it is back and working now.
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    Wait what do you mean by "abuse a tempmail service"? I mean, isn't it meant to be abused?
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    Not when it receives 100k mail from wish.com in a single day.

    And no, it is NOT meant to be used for abuse. You have gotten it completely wrong.

    Since it actually work and the only thing I did was to block all the emails from wish.com since yesterday - I can only assume that you had a part of it.

    If so, fuck off.
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    Nope, I have my own wish account and I actually use it.

    And by abuse I meant use it in cases where you suspect that you'll receive a couple usless spam emails (like invitations to events or stuff like that) or when a website asks for registration to download some resource or to access, but NOT to forward 100k mails.
    I meant it as a joke, sorry if I wasn't clear.

    If by my "concept" of temproary emails usage I misused your service I apologize and I'll stop, but again, that wasn't me with wish.

    Also I have no idea about how to calculate workloads of servers and I am not aware of what a number n of emails can cause. Did they arrived all together or was it a problem about storage?

    Finally, this morning I tried again to use the service but I can't connect both by chrome and firefox, just to let you know.
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    Alright, thanks for explaining.

    I did test some automatic fail2ban stuff and I suspect that you was IP-banned.

    I flushed the rules, it should work now.
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    FYI, there was no problem with storage, or workload of the server. I can handle that just fine.

    I just hate abuse.
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    I see, understood

    Yeah, it works now.

    Just one last thing: did I misused the service? Is it okay if I keep using the way I said?
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