
I fucking hate people,

I provide a free service for people, and some decide it is a great idea to abuse the shit out of it.
Fuck you

  • 19
    I hate you too <3

    But what service is abused for what?
  • 6
    Good for you.

    New experience.
  • 7
    What a bunch of cunts!
    Maybe obstruse their data / fuck up your service to such.
  • 31
    I always say that best firewall is paywall 😂
  • 2
  • 22
    @Codex404 @RantSomeWhere

    I have a temporary/disposable e-mail service, I saw that it has gotten 100k email from wish the last day alone.
  • 14
    This is why we can't have nice things 😢
    Anyway, maybe put one of those craptchas in there. Most of them are pretty garbage-y but it should get the job done.
  • 26
    Make it unintersting for abusers. Auto-dispose of the address after 10 mails and limit usage to 2 addresses per ip per day. No harm to regular users, but more work for abusers (who will just go somewhere else).
  • 13

    Yeah I have thought of it.

    I do not want a google captcha thou, but I think Qwant has developed a nice captcha
  • 10

    Interesting, I will think about it.

    I just blocked all the mails from wish.com now. They keep coming.
  • 6
    How tf do you even manage to get 100k emails/day? And what's the point, anyway? Just spam to flood your service or what?
  • 9
    Aint none mothfcka grateful for free shit thas why u gutta charge those pussy ass bitches nigga
  • 8

    Bots that is registering alot of account I guess,
  • 6
    @endor email isn't really that bad, unless the emails are bloated and have attachments. You could probably handle that many with a standard desktop. It's when you start getting into the hundreds per second that things get challenging.
  • 3
    Yup, typical shit bro, now I decided that doing things for free isn’t an option anymore even for family. Life is precious and any time wasted is time you’re never going to get back so fuck that and fuck those expecting things for free all the time.
  • 2
    its clearly a bot. Put captchas and you are done.
  • 4
    @Linux don't shut down your service!!! It's awesome - I use it a lot for registering in 'free wifis' for example...
  • 0
    @Linux wish alone abuses the hell out of any email addresses they get their hands on. Filthy internet citizen
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