Massive panic attack much?

Does noone RTFM these days?

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    No. And in response, less and less people *write* the fucking manual. 😞
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    @Jilano this.
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    @Stuxnet @VaderNT
    imo that is a very stupid choice. Completely depending on a single q/a platform to do your job.

    What happens if SO pulls smth similar to what GH did with Iran? Or even better -- SO gets hacked and all the content is deleted? Then what? More than half of cs specialists will become a flock of dumb sheep - that's what.
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    @netikras I agree. And tbh I feel I'm of a dying breed - because I'm grateful for good documentation.
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    @VaderNT that makes two of us :)
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    Guys. It's just a meme, a joke that nothing gets done without stack overflow. Stop taking it so literally. People read docs, people write docs, people will continue doing those things as long as documentation is a thing.
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    @VaderNT @netikras honestly, folks can do just fine without SO, having a central place to search for answers is just easier. And that's not a bad thing. It saves time and gets the job done, and you acquire experience at the same time. Yes said CS specialists would be discomforted and annoyed, but people adapt fairly easily to stuff like this.

    There are plenty of people writing manuals and doing core stuff, it's just that dev has become more popular and a lot of people just see it as a means to an end and don't really want to go deep into it - which is fine, not everyone needs to be a full on tech specialist with tons of arcane knowledge stuffed in their head.
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    I didn't even know it was down.
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