Have you all ever had an hypocondriac colleague? Like, the kind of colleague that will freak out everytime something minor isn't exactly as in his plans?

I have this colleague that DID freak out because, while making the integration of some website's footer, I set the SCSS for the social networks inside a "footer.scss" instead of "social-medias.scss". Dude even called the project manager to ask him about how he should handle that.

So, I had to go behind that colleague's chair and make him copy line by line the SCSS that was in the "wrong" file to put it in the right file. Why line by line, you may ask? Because I had to explain him why and how each of these lines were required to match what was asked in the models.

Not to mention how he freaked out because I (wrongfully, ok) used "fill" instead of "color" to change an SVG's color.

Keep it simple, stupid.

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    And "social-medias" didn't stress him out? I'm still recovering...
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    I will go ahead and say, as many before me said it too, this is not hay hypocondriac means
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    I'm with @norman70688 that sounds less like hypocondriac and more like textbook autism. Could be a variety of things though, like maybe he has a narcissism disorder and he cant handle not being in control of the file except in very specific situations.
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    @irene disease. Decease seems like deceased as in “died” ;) quite different ;)
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    How new is the person,? Ive started a new job where peocesses and task validation are quite different.

    Unless specified i prefer asking than building ontop of something that differs from spec. But once you have the feel of the expectations and processes than yes it may become a bit of an other issue ;)
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    @Santaclauze more than 1.5 years, while I've been here for 2 months now.

    There are a few reasons that makes me think I'm... Disturbing him: I have way more experienced than him in front-end, so I know how to do things. However, I still don't have all their reflexes so I make things my way (which isn't the right way 20~25% of the time). The result is that I go straight to a point without checking him about how he does things so if he happens to check / use my work once I'm done, he'll be totally lost.
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    @Drillan767 yea some people just cant handle thinking ;) im a bit in that case. But i ask questions till i feel like its too much then safety nets and code review prevents me from stuffing the project up.

    Good luck on your new job then ;)
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