
I assigned a new task to an intern who has been with us for a month. He was supposed to prepare the testing environment and test the Geolocation API. When it works, then he can start integrating it with our platform and everything.

After a week, he emails me to say that he thinks the Geolocation API doesn't work. I was weirded out by that because a lot of people use it. We scheduled a meeting and asked him for a demo of his code to see what the error message is.

Him: *no Visual Studio, no code, nothing at all* So here it goes.

Me: ????

Him: *Goes to the API documentation, copies the base URL, pastes it to the browser and hits Enter* See? It says 404 not found.

Me: *literally facepalmed*

Now, he is working on sales management. We totally took him off every software developing projects.

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    How did he react in the end? Did he even know what he was doing? How old is he? What the fuck was he doing? Does he even know how to code?
  • 4
    When people think they know what they are doing 😂

    @alexbrooklyn I think the answer is NO somehow.
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    Wait, this doesn't work, shit...
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    @alexbrooklyn no, it turns out he doesn't even know what an API is and what OOP is and we were trying to make him do something he doesn't know. he basically lied on his CV xddd
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    @Demolishun we lost 1 week of work.... for something i could have done myself
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    @nickj what did he say after you called him out on it?
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    Fire him
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    @alexbrooklyn "im sorry, i dont think im doing it right. ive never done this before."

    then i literally just told him to reassign it to me and i walked out and told my boss to just give him marketing stuff
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