Have you ever been hangover at work?
What's the worst hangover you experienced?

I once puked on my keyboard (just a little bit) and spent the next 2 hours cleaning it in total silence while my coworkers couldn't stop laughing and making jokes ;_;

  • 2
    I have been behind my pc with massive headaches, but my hangovers have been pretty tame 😁
  • 3
    I got food poisoning at work one time, drove the hour and a half home, just to puke my brains out 30 minutes later. I wouldnt wish food poisoning on even the worst hackers.

    Unless they gave me food poisoning. Then fuck em.
  • 5
    It was in day I worked the whole day and in the happy hour, after 8 bottles of Heineken and half bottle of whisky and other things, I stayed the rest the night giving technical support to people in another country on an application created by another team.

    Anyway, problem was solved. Worst night of my life.
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