What do rants means?

  • 12
    A semi-long stream of conciousness from someone who is either angry or frustrated, no formalities, no structure, just venting without a clear goal. The purest form of a human mind, wrath in its ultimate form.

    And profanity
  • 7
    Question: What do rants means?
    Rant: I hate what rants means!
  • 3
    An appropriate emotional outlet.

    Also a tourettes simulator.
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    Do you know what dev means?
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    @electrineer An angry person who rants a lot?
  • 5
    You stupid cocksucker with the brightness level of a cockroach are the proof that stupid questions do exist because FUCKING DUMB people exist! Holy shit I guess I have to deal out some really nasty flesh wounds right here although it's not even Friday!

    It's un-FUCKING-believable how advanced tech is - even you are able to vomit into some sort of computer shit which autocorrects your grunts into crap that is totally devoid of sense, but at least grammatically correct!

    Is that the reason why you mother raised the afterbirth, yeah? To disprove evolution theory and establish a link between something that tries to pass as human and fucking jellyfish?

    Or the ultimate test for user interfaces where even the dumbest user so far whose input was like dropping popcorn on the touchscreen still made too coherent inputs?

    I bet we can hear something other than grunts by shoving a fully charged electric eel up your ass - let's see whether the autocorrection can get Shakespeare's works out of that!
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    @Fast-Nop that was a nice sample of what a rant looks like. Thank you.
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    @electrineer i really don't know tbh
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    @Fast-Nop is that what rants looks like? Thanks bro i really appreciate ur hard work to write all this for me
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    @Happy4hamdi so you ended up here not knowing what either dev or rant means? I admire your curiosity.
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    @electrineer i want to know tbh...i've downloaded this app just to find someone who can teach me everything abt programming...
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    @Happy4hamdi Yeah that's a sample, though you usually need something that actually pisses you off for such a rant. Stupid co-workers, bosses, customers, shitty tech.

    Also note the structure with paragraphs instead of a massive text wall, to enhance readibility.
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    Rants are like pants, but with no pee
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    Verb form of rant.
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    @electrineer dev - short form of developer.
    who develops something
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