

  • 6
    I pretty much never use i as an iterator.


    foreach(penises as penis)

    for _, ingredientList := range map[string]Ingredients{"quattro staggioni": ...} { ... }

    Even for simple numbers I tend to prefer something like "count" 🤷‍♀
  • 1
    @bittersweet I guess it depends on the language, in Python I rarely use i as name as for is actually a foreach there, but C is a totally different story
  • 5

    Even if the operation is abstract to the point where the variable is unnameable, I prefer x over i.

    Everyone knows x is the sexiest letter there is. Yes to y as well, y is youthful and yummy. Then abc. Awesome, amazing, brilliant, bold, cute & clever.

    But i & j? Isn't it irritating, inane, jarring, just junk?
    Just ignore irrefutable idealness...

    You say i for iterator, I counter c for counter.

    zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]  
    zip _ [] = []
    zip [] _ = []  
    zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y):zip xs ys

    So there you have it, QED. Proof that i shouldn't be used. xyabc.

    Wait, q is quirky, but quickly qualifies as well...
  • 2
    @bittersweet You seem to be bored
  • 6
    @StopMotionCuber I rapidly oscillate between states of extreme excitement and unbearable boredom at a frequency which correlates with the amount of glasses of cognac consumed, especially when combined with uniterable lines of code and amphetamine.
  • 0
    X for life!
  • 0
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