Hehe I'm back peeps 😭 missed this community so much. Hope I can read yall's rants and have a pleasant laugh :3.

Also, I've ripped apart my android app and I'm rewriting it using Flutter. Yes I did that. I don't regret it though. Does Google have more control over me now or less? I have no clue. The whole dynamic vs. Shutdown framework risk benefit balance out I assume.

  • 2
    You'll be heavily disappointed to what you've come back if you expect rants, most left, others get told not to rant or shitpost it to hell.
  • 2
    @JoshBent you mean it's all memes and troll posts now? Ah this is what I dreaded for so long! Yeah you're right I ain't finding any rants.

    Except for the occasional "managers suck" post, this is truly very disappointing.
  • 2
    @JoshBent there was a surprising amount of good content for this week's group rant, though.

    @TheAnimatrix note that you can hide the joke/meme category
  • 1
    If it wasn't for Devrant, and I'm being absolutely serious, a part of my personality would definitely affect the rest of my countenance and I'd be an a$$hole. As it is, I concluded within the past two weeks that nobody takes me seriously. And that's it's entirely because of the way I behave. And that at age 60 I'm not going to fucking go through behavioural retraining, and that those who do not take me seriously can fuck the fuck off because I've never pandered to the cranial minority.
    So yeah, it's a quiet oasis, a castle on an island in a moat with the drawbridge permanently up. Devrant to me is what religion is to the rest of the bipeds.
  • 0
    @TheAnimatrix there's also the misstags as rant, the people not caring that dfox and trogus are struggling to keep the platform up financially - yet offering free merch - which all those greedy degenerate kids are entitled to of course, so they open threads about begging for ++ or complaining they didn't receive their FREE stuff yet.

    It's much worse than when we all left. Just don't put it on your main screen and check whenever it comes to mind, if at all, much healthier.

    Also don't argue with any of those degens, they'll make use of the downvote report, which apparently doesn't vote ban anymore and your comments / posts will be hidden from everybody but you, even with just a single downvote :)
  • 0
    @electrineer that's sad you're pointing out the one temporary thing that somewhat keeps this from being actual complete dogshit, because anything outside of it already is lmao
  • 0
    @JoshBent so you're telling me down votes do shit now and that most stuff is tagged as rant anyways and people fight for free MERCH. Well the latter has always been there I assume. The first two... They're just bad. What about the "algorithm", doesn't it filter out these non ranty posts?
  • 0

    to be clear: "so you're telling me down votes do shit now" is not a good thing in connection with automatic hiding of said content, especially if those get abused frequently and targeted, then laughed up as having control over anybody and anybodys content, there's plenty of examples why free speech is important and how devrant has become a vile platform supporting censorship and abuse.

    not to mention that dfox is seemingly quite biased who he lets mass downvote others, so maybe you'll be vote banned, while a 10 year old running around shitting on people won't, which by the way is most of the time not correctable, as your comments get hidden from anybody but you, with just even a single downvote.

    the algo does fuck all if the facebookers tag everything as rant lol
  • 1
    @JoshBent yeah I did imply it in the way you put it out. Secondly, if I recall correctly... Dfox indeed did have quite a bias towards non ranting users just trolling and posting memes and what not. I guess at the end of the day there aren't enough people raging to keep this platform profitable as a business and thus diverging into more or less Facebook is inevitable to keep this up. Dfox put up quite the argument as well when I made a rant about shit posts a long time back when the cancer was still at stage 1, well I wouldn't blame him but the balance he was hoping for is definitely far lost now.
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    @TheAnimatrix I was more pointing into the direction that he's seemingly leaning towards protecting new users at any cost, including making body's out of existing users or maybe the system just went rogue and is horseshit, wouldn't exclude either. :O)
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