
Wanting to see if I can build a full web dev stack on my phone, any ideas?

So found I found a not so helpful terminal emulator, a programming keyboard, enough IDEs to make your head spin, and a few rooted apps if rooting was an option right now. I'm half tempted to setup ssh and ftp on a cloud server such as Google cloud.
I'm doing this to see if it's possible and able to be used during work, although I am beginning to doubt the idea will make it into my development cycle.

  • 3
    It's possible although less than ideal. You can run a Debian VM on your phone and that would do the trick
  • 1
    @fuck2code thank you, I'll check it out
  • 3
    Definitely doable but only for the "because I can" factor. You wouldn't want to deal with it on a regular basis.
  • 1
    If I could do it on an iPhone with lighttpd back in the ios7 days with Cydia... I fail to see how you couldn't do it these days with what I will presume is an Android device.
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