First programming-course at the new school.
I was pretty excited until it hit me.
This is an intro-course.
We need to use CPP, not C.
We need to use Windows.
We need to use a shitty IDE instead of editor and compiler.
Went from super excited, to fuck this shit, pretty fast

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    Ye thats normal in germany. Does your teacher at least understand what hes doing?
  • 4
    Yep, that's what I always say, if you like it, do it yourself, for yourself, at home.

    This is probably still going to be fairly medium, maybe even above average quality you can expect.
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    Seems like he does,
    But I think, that CPP is a bad choice for an intro-course, since some of the other students don't seem to have any programming experience.
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    @metamourge well that depends on what the course is supposed to teach you. If it's webdev its a bad choice. If it's embedded or something its fine i guess. If it's for general programming programming (oop and whatnot) it's questionable but fine as long as the teacher is able to teach.

    My CS teacher in school lacked basic knowledge of using windows. And he always said windows is best, linux sucks and is unusable and other random stories.
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    My CS teacher seems to prefer Linux, since he put joe, gedit and bluefish as basic code-editors in his presentation, but since the school wants everyone to use windows, he needs too.
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    At least you don't have to suffer with Java and BlueJ like me. :(
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    @PrivateGER BlueJ was the shit tho! Fucking loved it, almost wanna go back sometimes. No bullshit IDE, that's some good shit 🤭👌
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    @Elyz It's acceptable until it refuses to compile code that works in literally all other IDEs.
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    Qt? I am going to learn Qt?



    I dunno. C++ isn't bad and can be used for most things C.
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    We need to use ide instead of editor and compiler...

    Isnt ide a integrated editer and compiler? Isnt that more convinient?
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    Some ppl out there prefer to make their life harder and they will go around and claim its better... Becouse reasons.

    Sure, its good to know how to use bare compiler, but 99% of time when you do something for real you dont use it, instead you let IDE do it for you
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    Every time, I tried to use an IDE, I spend more time configuring that shitware or waiting for it to start, than actually working on my project.
    So the only thing, an IDE made easier, was wasting my time.
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    You dont need to recursively walk settings becouse you do just things that requite change. For me, configuring phpstorm (not really revelant, since no compiler, but its jetbrains and it is IDE not just editor) takes hot 5-10 minutes including installing.

    - i change theme to darkula
    - i change space indent to tabs (skip discussion, my preference)
    - i plop in my cs/md config
    - i unbind smart paste and replace it by simple paste
    - i unbind ctrl+w and replace with close current tab
    -select default php version

    Job done. Takes minutes if you are slow clicker.
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    @DubbaThony it is always possible to learn the harder thing at the bottom and then keep learning up to the easier from there. Doesn't work the other way around. If you know how compiler works, then you know exactly what settings to look for in the IDE and in the end you will be able to use both. If you have skipped the compiler step and went straight to IDE, you can only press F5 which does nothing in command line.
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    True, but I have google (or manpages) for that :)

    Im one of these who learn "onAccess" ;)

    And if I was to use "raw" compiler I would actually handle it if it wouldnt reuqire some advanced flags.

    And you dont need that for PHP anyway ;) (thats for me at least, if you are doing c++ you will end up compiling)

    Anyway, if you will have real project on hands, be real. You will use IDE regardless.
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    @DubbaThony yeah with PHP you are fine ;) Hey I didn't mean to test your might, I meant in general this bottom up approach may be better, no need to sweat, sorry.
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    You dont need to sorry for expressing yourself, man.


    You can have this approach but I dont know if its nessesary or optimal. (I have doubts but its subjective)

    Sure, if it's about language itself, bottom-up is must-have at least for learning basics of language (syntax, basic stuff, how classes work, what you can what not, in C++ how to manage memory etc.) and THAN anything, like libs/fws.
    Becouse you need to understand what the hell you are doing at all.

    If you never need to compile yourself in terminal, (or for that matter, one could say why to learn using terminal even, which... I think every1 should do, but Im sure there are peeps who cant do shit on linux and/or terminal) why bother. If you ever need to, you can quickly learn that.
    That's my approach and opinion, anyone has other it's fine.
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    >Wants to use C++ over C
    >Wants to use Windows
    >wants to use an IDE


    I’m disgusted. I don’t mind C++ but I’d rather use C. but I straight up hate windows and IDE’s
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    @Gregozor2121 @DubbaThony if you rely on a IDE to do everything for you you won’t truly understand the process of how everything is happening because you’re just letting the IDE do the learning for you. Sure it’s not bad to use but it’s much better to use if you already know what it’s doing behind the scenes
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    As someone who corrected Java assignments for 30+ people every week, I must say that forcing an IDE or build environment is the only way of getting things done.
    Every minute I waste on different toolchains is a minute I can't spend on correcting the assignment.
    Syntax and program logic is hard enough for the people who start CS without prior programming knowledge. Not to say, that understanding the toolchain is not important, but it should be teached separately.
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