I was in school and I got bored. I opened two command prompts and did what any scammer would do.

I went to the root of the drive and did a tree. The other window is pinging google infinitely.

After a few seconds, I hear a kid say "Are you hacking the pentagon?". That guy also asked me to hack the Google Play Store. He shall forever think I'm a hacker.

  • 34
    Cmd as admin
    Go to root directory
    Color 2
  • 3
    @CozyPlanes no admin in school :(
  • 13
    how to pretend a hacker, pro
  • 2
    @Gerrymandered i mean open cmd as admin
  • 4
    @CozyPlanes I can't. It's a school computer. With student accounts on the Active Directory provided by the domain.
  • 7
    @Gerrymandered wait... Your school computer is a laptop????? Wtf
  • 5
    @CozyPlanes it's a classroom set. I wish to get a school laptop. I already built my own PC.
  • 6
    Run loic and set ip to your school server or homepage.
    Result: dead
  • 17
    On Linux, try installing and running hollywood.
  • 7
    Whenever I open terminal in a public place most people start staring at me like wtf this guy is doing . It's just some ls and cd ...
  • 6
    So I'm not the only one who did this!

    The best part is that I had it running for a long time on the desktop and was meanwhile working on my laptop. Completely forgot about it. Teacher started a staring match when he saw, clearly expecting me to talk. After a while I said something about what I was doing (iirc homework for another subject, not sure) since I'd finished the assignment for this one. He continued to stare, not saying anything and after a while I figured I might as well continue then, so I turned back and continued working. The teacher then continued back to his desk.

    ... It took 10 minutes for me to notice my desktop screen again. Suddenly it all clicked. He, also a sysadmin, must have figured "if something's wrong with that system, I know who did it". Nothing was wrong, it was just :start\ntree\ngoto start (in two windows to cover the full screen).

    Never saw anyone else do this out of boredom, cool to see this here :D
  • 3
    Real hackers doesn't use Windows
  • 4
    Just go to hackertyper and run it in fullscreen, works every time :^)
  • 1
    @haithamSboui Happens with me too!!!😂😂😂
  • 0
  • 6
    I found this on my primary school computer and I decided to keep it.
    @echo off


    mode 1000

    color 0a


    echo %random%
    goto A

    Also once, my friend opened hackertyper during ICT lesson, teacher smiled and told him to stop hacking. Best teacher ever!
  • 0
    I bet retroterm with green on black would make you look even more like a 80s leet boy ^^
  • 3
    @Gerrymandered konboot saves your day
  • 2
    poor kiddo dosen't understand android and .APKs from outside sources :´<
  • 0
    @CozyPlanes but why not color a
  • 2
    @Gerrymandered 5 digit number spammer loop with a goto
  • 1
    @ParkCity isnt color b, green? (likes to act to be a hacker)
  • 2
    Changing the color is the most important step in hacking.
  • 0
    In my old school sysadmins blocked CMD.exe and ctrl-r 😓
    I just brought my laptop with me and lulz ^_^
  • 2
    @DLMousey thundercunt is a term I have never heard before lmfaoo. That's honestly insane though I can't imagine what I'd do.
  • 2
    Used to change the cmd.exe to white bg with black foreground. Just to avoid getting attention by other scared students.. and the teacher. 🙄
  • 2
    @LinusCDE naah green on black is the way😏
  • 0
    Reminds me of a thread I saw on stack overflow a while ago. People started posting scripts that print a bunch of random shit to the screen so it looks like you're hacking the Pentagon. It was pretty awesome
  • 1
    @Gerrymandered most "School laptops" are just chromebooks
    and therefore dont qualify as laptops
  • 0
    @ParkCity they were actually laptops, you know how I know?
    Our school couldn’t afford them until this year. Ask @Rekonnect
  • 2
    @Gerrymandered uhhhhhhhh I mean they ran windows and we're shitty Acer laptop, but we just got CBs this year so... Yeah...
  • 0
    @gudishvibes actually I’m constantly SSHing into my home server, so that’s not too far off anymore :)
  • 0
    wow interesting story
  • 0
    I understand that for some people, computer science and hacking can be of interest and excitement, but it's important to remember that illegal activities and breaking the rules are not the right path. Instead of engaging in illegal activities, you can use your computer science skills for useful purposes such as software development, cyber security. The most that I violated was found the coursework writing service, used https://essaylab.com/coursework-wri... for this. I would like to meet at least one hacker at all. Responsible use of technology can bring more value and help you in your career.
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