
being a programming language be like...

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    IMHO C++ is both.
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    Frenz ?
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    In terms of web design and development:

    Without a good front-end UX though, no one would use the other features that utilize the back-end code. So, I feel that HTML/CSS, while it is technically a markup language, is integral to a website as a whole.

    p.s. I may have elaborated incorrectly, tell me if I may have misunderstood something.

    p.p.s. did you know that HTML5+CSS is Turing-Complete? Here's a github: https://github.com/elitheeli/...

    p.p.p.s. Disclaimer: I don't imply by any means that what I said is fact. It is just my subjective opinion that others are welcome to build upon too!
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    @FrodoSwaggins I'd say the reverse is true. C is a language for making systems, not apps. C++ is a Frankenstein's monster. The rest was created for convenience.
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