Company policies when it comes to hiring in Norway is super strict. Being a self-taught developer for over 10 years and I still can't even land an interview because I don't have a formal education. Though this might be because I don't live in the capital and don't have a lot of chances to apply to jobs

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    I somehow landed by current job with being self-taught. I'm worried about leaving for another tech job because I was worried about getting my current one due to my experience.

    I'm as knowledgable, if not more, than masters level people but I'm worried but official qualifications won't reflect that.
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    @cmarshall10450 Do you work in Norway? If you do, it seems like just a bit experience within a company goes a long way. Though, don't leave your job unless you're guaranteed another one.
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    @mrgemeco no. Im in the UK.
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    Mean while In Malaysia, in most company you just have to be pure Chinese then you will instantly be senior project manager for IT dept without any education.
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    you know lying is always an option...
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    You know that if you lie would it'll eventually come out and if you have bad luck, they'll fire you.
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    On the other hand tho, if you're good they might keep you.
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