Eclipse or Intellij ...

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    Eclipse for Java, IntelliJ for everything else
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    IntelliJ for everything, never ever Eclipse.
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    >Never got eclipse to work, even with java

    Even worse... I *did* get it to work. 😱
    Always IntelliJ. Eclipse is so far behind, I largely forgot it even exists.
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    Anything other then java.
    Eclipse is pretty good for c++ btw. But I use intlij these days.
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    @linuxxx I kind of have a soft spot for Netbeans tbh. Used it back in the day when Eclipse was unbearably slow on my underpowered laptop.
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    @theKarlisK good one
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    Jetbrains whenever possible.
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    Maybe I'm missing features but for Java Eclipse is so much better than IntelliJ from my experience
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    IntelliJ all the way
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    It's on personal preference, I literally managed to change IDE of 40% of devs in my workplace from Eclipse to Jetbrain's IDE. While other still say Eclipse is better while using light theme xD. They even made fun how I was using dark themes for all and later they also joined the dark side.
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    As Java developer, it depends. If you want something for beginner use, eclipse is for you then.

    For advanced usage and software development and such, intelij. Faster and stable

    If your usage is for mainly GUI programming then ApacheNetBeans will be fine.
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