I dont fucking care if you dont like CSS Grid or flexbox Im not going to fucking CHANGE THE FUCKING ENTIRE LAYOUT.

  • 6
    Wait there are people who don't like flex ox and grid?
  • 11
    @Codex404 My boss: "I don't understand why you chose to go down the flexbox route"

    Me: I believe Grid and flexbox are a nice way to create a layout especially when we're developing for both mobile and desktop users.

    Boss: Well I don't like it and it needs to change. Create containers with absolute positions.

    Me: *Swan dives off bridge*
  • 7
    Ok, I'm not a flex box fan. But that's purely from a backwards compatibility stance... probably should look at using it now though.

    But absolute positioning of containers? Wtf!
  • 5
    @C0D4 The guys an actual web dev meme it's insane.
  • 5
    @C0D4 I'm not sure how long you want to go back but every major browser has had flexbox support for over two years.

    Hell even IE supports a working draft of CSS Grid let alone flexbox.
  • 4
    @Codex404 up till last year I was still dealing with IE, now thats behind me, backwards issues are less of a problem.

    I've managed to do without for the past decade so it doesn't actually solve anything for me, beyond writing less css.

    But hey, less css means more time for better things.
  • 2
    @C0D4 IE before IE11? Because flexbox was working in IE11.
  • 5
    well someone's wrong here, and this thing is generally right.

  • 3
    @Codex404 good to know about IE supporting grid, will use for next project
  • 3
    @C0D4 all you need is an autoprefixer
  • 1
    @M1sf3t float the containers and absolute positioning. Pure madness.
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