
Nice another fucking hurricane

Cheers to this yearly tradition

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    How many hurricanes did you get till now in this year?
    Is it the 5. Or the 4.?
    Its like mass shootings, if you got too many its too boring to even yawn if you hear "again xxx happened. Xxx death xxxx injured. Everyone knows xxx was the cause, but xxx says xxx is the cause and politicians repeat it." .

    you get what you vote: you voted an actor for president, you got one.
    you voted an dumb narcist for pres, you got one.
    We voted several dumb idiots into the Reichstagsgebäude, we got the great coalition(groko)
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    Nature wins 😂
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    @RantSomeWhere I'm on board with it lmao

    @stop it's usually just one or two a year that actually affect me personally. Can't speak for others though.
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    Well every year here in the Philippines the weather department prepares names for Hurricanes from A-Z, because we already know that there would be 20-26 hurricanes coming.
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    @cabbybaby I mean we have them already named.

    Last year we got hit with one from F. This year is D. Year before last was I and J. Few years ago was M.
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    This hurricane is moving slow af. I’m glad I get to stay home tomorrow/work from home - but idk where the hurricane is going!? Are you going to Florida or Georgia/Carolinas. Ppl need to plan their lives Dorian. Smh.
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    @cabbybaby arent they called taifunes there?
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    @stop Yeah we call them typhoons.
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    @dastackman I'm in NC.

    Rn it's predicted to kinda swerve back to the ocean and the eye will miss us.

    But we thought Florence wasn't gonna be that bad last year and it kept me outta class for a fucking month
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