
Yesterday Mr Senior told us that "it's not possible to do that".
I (30 years younger) replied I read about that possibility in the manual.
So he challenged me to do it, laughing at me.

Today I went to the office really angry, I put the headphones on, with the song "Suicide Silence - O.C.D." in loop, and after 5 hours I solved the "big problem".

So, go fuck yourself Mr Senior, and RTFM.

Damn, I'm still listening that song.

  • 18
    Fuck yeah to proving that dickhead wrong and fuck yeah to suicide silence
  • 23
    Well done. Not for proving anything, but for sticking with rtfm and creating the thing.

    Healthy judgement is very welcome. Grudge and anger - not so much. Ignoring well argumented seniors' notes - not so much. I gurss he did not have solid arguments to base his "it won't work" :)

    Now off to the next task! :)
  • 4
    Fuck yeah! Screw that smart ass!! Good job, I like you :)
  • 12
    Seniors are overrated. Most of them just went up the ladder because they just aged, but did nothing to keep themselves updated, and for some reason that's considered a good trait in tech.
    Rise above, learn to tackle a specific problem in business, and dive in like crazy
  • 1
    @Haxk20 i have actually wondered before what kind of music you listen to. What do you normally jam to?
  • 2
    I read suicide silence i like damn still missing Mitch 😢
  • 5
    it's okay
    i knew one senior how knew nothing about usage of arrays of host variables in embedded sql statements
    my code worked 10 times faster
  • 2
    @xonya you will prevail. Show him the code. Get credits from boss.
  • 2

    I agree with the learning /asking!

    When I started programming, I always ran up to my dad's office and asked him stuff. I was twelve. I still remember how he explained to me how a loop works in Delphi.

    3 years later he came down to my room to ask me complex stuff because I overtook his (then) 25yrs of experience..

    It's going on like this until now, it's a nice synergy of skillsets. Although his skills and approaches are kinda outdated sometimes.
  • 1
    no man who listens to Suicide Silence can be wrong.
  • 2
    Maybe it was all a clever ruse to get you to do the work.
  • 1
    To be a successful senior dev you need to sense when it is a good idea to pursue something through the manuals and where to find them.

    People who "just aged" never do that, as they believe they knew it all already.
    Big mistake.

    Over 30 years of experience here, and I still learn new things every day.
    Love it!

    And besides, if someone says: "That's not possible!", then screw them!
    We are devs, it's our fucking holy job to *make* It possible!
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