
I'm an android developer. Self teaching for about 2 years and working hard to learn more.
I've just launched a game on PlayStore, a simple draw game. There are few more of this kind.

I just want to ask for your opinion: Icon, Design, Functionality, Experience inside the game and even Promoting my game.

What do you think about my work?


You can let me a review on PlayStore too. I'M waiting for you advices and everything you have to say, just say it. I can handle it :))

  • 0
    Nice apps! Would love to see more animations. Also, try using xmls for icons, looks more sharp.

    2 questions as a fellow android dev:
    1. What are you using as that paper background? Is it a png?
    2. For drawing ,is it a canvas?
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    Thanks for your advices.

    1. For paper background I'm using a JPG
    2. Yes it is a canvas but I used a library called AndroidDraw.

    Do you know from here can I get xml icons? Another way instead of Android Studio assets.

    Thank you again!
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    @clauub flaticon ,pngtree, smashicon are the sites that provides svg, which can be imported as xml via studio. Though i have used the first 2 only, since they have free icons( cc licence)
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    @clauub also, how are you using that jpg? Is it a one somelargepix * somelargepics jpg or something else?
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    @TitanLannister for this app I'm using flaticon too
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    @TitanLannister I don't really understand your question. But for the paper background, I've created this background, I downloaded PNG with icons and put it on an white JPG background and that's the background.
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    Oh okay i get it.
    Actually the recommended way of using a big image as graphic is to cut it into small sizes of same name , but add it into different drawable folders like drawable-hdpi, xxhdpi, etc. But i almost always could not get that right, so was asking .
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