
When you quit and you are the only one who knows about the project.

  • 4
    In a similar situation, where Im already contacted twice in my first week of my new job. Like gtfo
  • 2
    Ha! This meme deserves a nobel peace prize for it's honesty.
  • 0
    This happened with me. . . I can feel the pain
  • 0
    Partly this is the job of the PM. Other ppl of the company or different branches shouldn't know everything that is going wrong in your team or woth a single person. It should be enough if the leading positions, that need to know are informed.

    But that's only one opinion, I guess.
  • 0
    Substitute pm for whole engineering team and thats us. Our head of engineering had so many ideas in his head for how to do things that were coming up. He didn't document the ideas because we are lucky if we document production level things for clients.

    For anyone who's read the Phoenix Project (must read), he's our Brent. We seems to have multiple Brents.
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