Google play console is so fucking confusing, I'm trying to get my app to open beta testing stage, I've completed all the steps and done the full roll out, but the status of the app is still pending publication (3 days), wtf does "Pending publication" means do I need to publish the app for production in order for beta testing release to work, or I have to wait for google to approve the beta release for publish?
I'm lost

  • 2
    Pending publication = they're reviewing your app. It takes a few days for a new app.
  • 0
    @RememberMe I've published apps before and it didn't take that much time (15min - 6hours max) to be published, does this mean they have changed their reviewing process or they are doing this only for some developers accounts!
  • 2
    @milkyway afaik theyre claiming that reviewing can taje up to 3 days.
  • 1
    @milkyway they changed it recently I think. mine took a bit more than 3 days.
  • 0
    @RememberMe thatwas the causr why i heard it.
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