When you can't figure out where you are supposed to add your code in the teams massive android spaghetti codebase. So you just add logs to every function that might be related to track down the function you need.

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    @RustyCookie this project is pissing me off so much.

    - There is a <company-name>URIRouter.java file.
    - It’s being used to handle deeplinks.
    - Push Notifications are the main source of deeplinks. Each one can have a url to say where to go when tapped.
    - Seems push notifications only rely on one util function in that class and ignore everything else.
    - 5 other files just have a bunch of if / else checks on the url
    - code is 95% duplicated
    - I have no idea what the actual purpose of that router file is and nowhere seems to be using it
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