Anyone use wireless earbuds (preferably not with a cord attached to the two)? Looking for an imformed decision. I usually prioritize sound quality over anything.

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    I'm more than happy about my qcy-t1. Costs ~$30, lasts for ~2hrs, recharges in the case. Sound is good. Mic is also good [at least folks in the meetings did not complain].

    A coleague told me -t1 might be hard to get now so he got -t2. According to him that was also a good purchase
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    Half of any earbuds is how they fit your ears anyway
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    @electrineer for me i could care less, I'm just looking for some informed opinions
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    @M1sf3t yeah i know for a fact the silicone gel inserts always work better for me than those ones that always come with the iPhone. But as far as what size fits my earhole usually the medium size gels work fine and create a good seal
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    @M1sf3t for sure; for me i need a near-zcomplete seal because i play music with them and i need as little bleed-through as possible
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    @M1sf3t for sure; thanks man. I've also looked at the jbl ones
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    @M1sf3t i have their Charge line of speakers (charge 4 to be specific) and its amazing. I take it on week-long trips and dont have ti charge it, and the woofers sound amazing.
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    Longest lasting out of the lot?

    I like to put on some asmr and snooze at night.
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    If you prioritize sound quality over anything, you wouldn't get wireless earbuds. If you wanted to get something serious, I might be able to give you a recommendation.

    Otherwise I can only tell you that from the already mentioned, that skullcandy is trash and beats are terribly unbalanced (and overpriced). Sony is probably your best bet from these - I've had good in-ears 15 years ago from them (well, good to me back then!), though I wasn't particularly satisfied when I gave their current totl over-ear offerings a try.

    I wish sound quality was even remotely comparable to even just a mediocre DAC (like in most phones) + cable.
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