Frontend and backend do not go hand in hand always

  • 5
    Wrong category :) Should be in mememememes
  • 2
    @ScriptCoded but you dont get ++ there cus most have filtered this category out (:
  • 3
    @ynnk That's why this shit gets a --.

    @opengenus Not only it's mistagged, this has been posted over and over. Moron.
  • 6
    @ynnk That's why we have the filter. You don't get upvotes because people don't enjoy that kind of content. Also, if upvotes are what you are after you're in the wrong place.
  • 1
    @ynnk I'm still waiting for the day that internet points become valuable. They're not valuable enough for anyone to accept them in stores. So why care if at the end of the day it's no more than a counter?

    Edit: also this belongs in joke/meme
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