
I have a big web development requirement from client using java. I have suggested them for using Php/mysql but they dont want it. i am not sure which framework to use in java, whether java can be deployed on AWS, whether java would be as fast as php.
Please share your java web development experience and how do i go ahead.

  • 2
    Yes, yes, it's strict typed so have fun with that, and yes it's deployable in AWS.
  • 0
    What framework work be good.
  • 2
    @paku no idea.
    I do t use java outside of Selenium and Salesforce.

    @AleCx04 you do java right?
  • 0
    Springboot is good option, look at it
  • 0
    Java is as fast as the developer takes the time to make it.

    Some frameworks are rumored to be slow or heavy but as with most languages, the real performance problems are not language related but either data(db), external services or bad code.
  • 0
    Yup, Spring Boot is your way to go. Creates a self-contained jar file with an embedded servlet that can easily run in a docker container.

    And I tend to find these apps are way faster than PHP. Obviously depends on your code and the size of the app ;)
  • 0
    @C0D4 i do.

    @op spring boot is good, also spark(the microframework) depending on how big you aim yo make this project.

    Yes, it can be deployed on AWS and it is fast :>

    I still prefer php over it.
  • 0
    Will look at springboot.
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